Gray Truwear Albatross hat hanging on ornately decorated Christmas tree

Tinsel and the Spirit of Giving

Posted by Jeffrey Fortner on

It's that time of year again, the time where we all try to be a bit kinder. The music of the season causes us to smile a little more and our thoughts turn to simpler times and happy memories. Whatever your beliefs, the holiday season urges us all to give to others, to try and forget ourselves and look outwards.

Do you know where the tradition of trimming trees comes from? At the heart of the legend is a story of giving, of seeing another's need and fulfilling a wish.

The Tradition of Tinsel

Deep in the woods, in a quiet modest cottage lived a gentle widow and her eight children. The widow worked very hard to keep her children warm and well-fed, but money was not plentiful. When winter came, and the snow began to fall, the widow knew Christmas was coming. But instead of feeling joyous and excited as the day approached, she felt sadness and sorrow. She knew that she did not have enough money to buy her children any gifts to open on that special morning.

"I cannot afford new toys or books," she thought, walking home through the woods one night. "What will I give my children?"

On Christmas Eve the family ate their simple meal together, and the widow tried to conceal her worries. After tucking her excited children snugly into bed, she pulled her chair close to the fire and tried to erase the visions of their little disappointed faces from her mind. After all, what fun is Christmas morning without gifts to open?

"Perhaps a Christmas tree would make my children happy," the widow sighed.

She put on her coat and hat and walked through the woods in search of the right tree. She chose a small but beautiful evergreen, chopped it down, and brought it to the cottage.

For hours, the widow carefully decorated the fragrant tree branches with colorful fruits, bits of ribbon, and cookies. Then she blew out her candle and went to bed, hoping the tree would make her children's empty Christmas a little bit brighter.

While the tired widow slept, tiny spiders crept from the cracks and corners of the cottage. They had watched her hard at work, decorating the tree for her children. Onto the branches they jumped, spinning delicate strands of silky webs which gracefully covered the small tree from trunk to top. It was a beautiful sight.

During the night, a kind, jolly and magic Santa Claus had come with gifts for the children and saw the tree covered with spiderwebs. He smiled as he saw how happy the spiders were, but knew how heartbroken the widow would be if she saw her tree covered with spiderwebs. So with a simple touch he turned the silky webs into pure, shining silver.

When the family awoke on Christmas morning, they could not believe their eyes. They marveled at the glorious sight and were truly grateful for the gifts, but even more so, for the love they had been shown. The widow stared out the window with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes and whispered a humble thank you.

From that day forward, people have hung strands of shiny silver tinsel and webs of popcorn and berries on their Christmas trees to remind them that giving to others encompasses the true meaning of the holidays. 

And it is in this same spirit that Truwear wants to brighten the holidays for others. This holiday season we're starting a new Truwear Tradition, The 7 Days of Giveaways. We're gifting a variety of products, giftcards, and assorted other items to lucky drawn winners. All you have to do is enter. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook, for rules and opportunities to win!


citation: "Inspirational Christmas Stories" 24 October 2006


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